Twelve days ago, we asked you to help New York, our hometown.
With your donations, we raised $825! This allowed us to purchase:
- 8 boxes of surgical masks
- 1 giant container of sanitizer gel
- 100 N95 masks
- We also received a donated box of surgical masks from our friends at AcuDepot
- ... and with remaining funds, we chipped in for a group order to manufacture masks overseas
- Methodist Hospital
- New York Community Hospital
- SUNY Downstate Medical Center
- Kings County Hospital
- A private local primary care clinic
While it might be easy to write off $825 compared to Apple's 10-million-masks promise and major manufacturers switching their production lines to ventilators, every little bit counts. When supplies run critically low, it's not the 10-million that get you through the day, it's the one or two that are immediately available.
For everyone who donated, Boris and I want to say THANK YOU!! For everyone who wrote to us with encouragement, thank you as well! It's a scary time, but we will get through it together, even if togetherness means being 6 feet or 6 miles or 6 time zones away.
Your support means a lot.
Roman & Boris,
CoFounders, Dragon Bood Balm
Human Beings
PS. Still hoping to help out? You can do three things: First, make sure you practice proper health & hygiene - wash your hands, try not to go out too often, and cover yourself when you do go. Second, reach out to see how you can help locally - it could be your local hospital and doctor, it could be donating to a food bank, it could be checking in on your friends and neighbors to make sure they're ok. Last, support small and medium-sized businesses by buying directly from them. These businesses employ locally and keep money rotating within their community. If a business doesn't sell anything, it can't pay payroll, and that ends up affecting everyone. By shopping locally, we can keep people employed.